domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Study the following vocabulary related to Halloween.

  • Bobbing for apples
    Noun (game) - This is a traditional Halloween game. You put apples in a barrel of water and people try to take the floating apples out of the water using only their mouths.
  • Cackling
    Adjective - An evil, wild, otherworldly laughing sound
  • Carve
    Verb - (regular: carve - carved - carved) to cut with a knive, in the context of a pumpkin to cut a face into the pumpkin.
  • Evil
    Very bad behaviour with cruel intent.
  • Haunted
    Location containing evil spirits or ghosts, usually a house or castle.
  • Ghost
    Noun - the spirit of a dead person which appears again. Ghosts at Halloween are usually dressed in white sheets.
  • Hideous
    Adjective - Something so ugly you cannot look at it.
  • Horrified
    Adjective - very frightened, afraid or scared.
  • Jack-o-lantern
    Noun - A carved pumpkin usually with a candle burning inside to illuminate the pumpkin.
  • Pumpkin
    Noun - A large, orange vegetable in the squash family associated with Halloween.
  • Skeleton
    Noun - The bone structre of a body without the flesh.
  • "Trick or Treat"
    Saying - Used by children when going from house to house asking for candy. The phrase also means that if you don't give me a treat I will play a trick on you!
  • Wicked
    Adjective - the same as evil.
  • Witch
    Noun - A woman with magic powers (usually evil).

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